biology vocabulary and definitions

Shaft: The main stiff stem or midrib of a birds feather. Salamander: Any tailed amphibian, that has soft and scaleless skin with a long body, tail, and short limbs. Consumer: An organism, often an animal, which feeds on plants or other animals. Biostimulation: A process which helps catalyze the activity of micro-organisms involved in biodegradation. Elizabeth Martin and Robert Hine Next Edition: 7 ed. A-Z List of Biology Terms and Definitions. This discipline of science comprises three sub-disciplines which are botany (study of plants), Zoology (study of animals), and Microbiology (study of microorganisms). Gular Pouch: A bare sac or pouch that can be expanded to accommodate a large prey, or for the show off during courtship display.[Back]. White Rot Fungus: Fungus that attacks lignin, along with cellulose and hemicellulose, leading to marked lightening of the infected wood. Whether youre a teacher or a learner, Luxury Uptake: Uptake of nutrients in excess of what is required by an organism for its normal growth. Metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is one such example. Imago: Sexually mature adult stage in the life of certain insects. Ammonification: Liberation of ammonia by micro-organisms acting on organic nitrogenous compounds. Allochthonous Flora: Organisms that are not originally found in soil, but reach there via precipitation, sewage, diseased tissue, and other such means. Plasmogamy: Fusion of two cell contents, inclusive of the cytoplasm and nuclei. Gill Slits: A narrow external opening connected with the pharynx, to allow passage of water, which helps in cleaning the gills. Nematode: Eukaryotes that are unsegmented, usually microscopic roundworm. taxonomic group whose members can interbreed. This effect is created by the layer of tissue called tapetum lucidum that lies immediately behind the retina.[Back]. The three domains of biological organisms are Bacteria, Eukarya, and Archaea. Parasitism: Feeding by one organism on the cells of a second, normally larger organism, thus, harming the host. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. Alula: A set of quill-like feathers located close to the base of the primary feathers that play a part in increasing or decreasing the birds lift by affecting the airflow of the wings. Lectins: Plant proteins with a high affinity for specific sugar residues. Hydrocarbon: An organic compound containing carbon and hydrogen only. In snakes, they are used to inject venom into the victim. Antimetabolite: A substance that interferes with a specific metabolic pathway, by inhibiting a key enzyme, due to its resemblance with the normal enzyme substrate. Light Compensation Point: The point where the rate of respiration is higher than the rate of photosynthesis, which usually occurs at about 1% of sunlight intensity. linked genes Altruism: Instinctive behavior performed towards the welfare of others, sometimes at personal cost. Endonuclease: The endoenzyme responsible for breaking the phosphodiester bonds in a nucleic acid molecule. a small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing into a new individual without sexual fusion. They are listed in alphabetical order. Hibernation: To withdraw in a state of seclusion in a dormant condition. Microbial Biomass: Total mass of micro-organisms living in a given mass or volume of soil. They are small and spherical in shape. It is impacted by the turnover of species among habitats. Infection: Invasion and multiplication of micro-organisms in body tissues, leading to various diseases and disorders. Glycosidase: The enzyme responsible for hydrolizing a glucosidic linkage between two sugar molecules. This is said to be a cause of hepatic carcinoma. Agarose: Agarose is obtained from seaweed and is used as a resolving medium in electrophoresis. Batesian Mimicry: In a situation where a harmless species has evolved to replicate the warning signal given by a harmful species (directed at a common predator), Batesian mimicry occurs. Gas Vacuole: A sub-cellular organelle, found only in prokaryotes, which are gas-filled vesicles. Reverse Migration: Phenomenon wherein the migrating organism migrates in the opposite direction, normal to other migrating species. Carcinogen: An often mutated substance which is implicated as one of the causing agents of cancer. Psychrotroph: An organism that is able to grow at zero degrees and above twenty degrees Celsius. Rectrices: The stiff and main feather of a bird that is used to navigate, when the bird is in flight. Mostly contains oligotrophic proteobacteria, many of which have distinctive morphological features. Benthic: A Benthic zone is the ecological region that encompasses the bottom most level of any body of water, be it a river, lake, or ocean. Specific Activity: Expressed as micromoles formed per unit time per milligram of protein, this is the amount of enzyme activity units per mass of protein. Mantle: Single or paired set of feathers located on the mid-back of a bird, or an outgrowth that lines the inner surface of the valves of the shell. Cere: A raised and membranous covering, that is located at the base of the upper mandible in a bird. WebBiology is full of different processes from how carbon cycles to water. Our lists cover essential terms and concepts from all major scientific disciplines. Cyanobacterium: A photosynthetic, nitrogen fixing bacteria which includes the blue-green bacteria. Micrometer: One millionth of a meter (10-6 meters). This is a temporary phase. The trunk of these species is enclosed in a shell. Ambulacra: This term refers to echinoderms five part radial areas (undersurfaced side) from where the tube feet protrude as well as withdraw. Anastomosis: A network of intersecting or connecting blood vessels, nerves, or leaf veins that form a plexus. Last Common Ancestor: This term refers to the most recent known and shared common ancestor between two species, as well as individuals. WebBiology is full of different processes from how carbon cycles to water. Lek: The courtship display for mating of certain animals, where males gather around the females for being selected for copulation. These birds keep their young ones in this platform to keep them out of water and afloat. Enhanced Rhizosphere Degradation: Enhanced activity of micro-organisms involved with biodegradation of contaminants near plant roots which is brought about by compounds exuded by the plant roots. Conidiospore: A thin-walled, asexual spore seen on hyphae which is not contained in sporangium. Food Chain: The food chain is the transfer of life-giving energy from one organism to another, which is compatible to receive the same form of energy that was passed on, when the organism perished. Fecundity: In a general sense, it refers to an organisms ability to reproduce. Constitutive Enzyme: Enzymes synthesized in the cell, irrespective of the environmental conditions surrounding the cell. Absorption Field: An organized system of meticulously constructed narrow trenches, which are partially filled with washed gravel or crushed stone, into which a pipe is placed. Cytokine: Non-antibody proteins released by a cell when it comes in contact with specific antigens. Amphitrichous: A cell which has a single flagellum at each end. Trachea: The pipe serving as the principal passage for movement of air to and from the lungs, in humans and other vertebrates. Herbivore: Grass or plant eating organisms are called herbivores. Ecological Release: It refers to the progression in which a species expands its living habitat as well as the resources it utilizes into areas that have a lower density of species in terms of diversity. Cyst: Resting stage of certain bacteria and protozoans, wherein the entire cell is surrounded by a protective layer. Gaping: The open width of space, created by forcefully opening the jaws or mandibles of a vertebrate. This is all done in the presence of dissolved oxygen. Wattle: A soft fleshy brightly colored appendage that hangs down from the throat or chin of certain birds. Clappeing: Slapping of the upper and lower parts of bills together, as a non vocal form of communication, seen especially in birds like storks. Antheridium: The male gametangium found in phylum Oomycota (kingdom Stramenopila) and phylum Ascomyta (kingdom Fungi). Supplemental Plumage: A third set of feathers found in birds that have three different plumages in their annual cycle of molts. WebFind dictionary definitions and related terms in the Biology category on the online glossary. Crocodile: Reptile belonging to the order crocodylia, which inhabits tropical regions. Proboscis: An elongated mouth organ which is an important feeding appendage in organisms. Methanotroph: An organism capable of oxidizing methane. Plankton: Microscopic organisms like algae and protozoa that drift on the oceans currents. Lung: An internal sac-like chamber that forms the respiratory organ in animals.[Back]. Pathogenicity: The ability of a parasite to infect or inflict damage on a host. Also used as a bulk laxative, in making emulsions and as a supporting medium for immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. Fledgling: Is a young bird that has recently fledged, but is still being fed and cared for by the parents. Capsomere: A protein sub-unit of the capsid of a virus. Biology is the study of living things. Mycovirus: Viruses that infect fungi.[Back]. Isoenzyme: When two different enzymes, which may be different in their composition, act as catalysts for the same reaction, or set of reactions. Habitat Expansion: Increase in the habitat (overall area) distribution of the species. Discharges from septic tanks are passed through these trenches. Transposable Element: A genetic element that can be transposed from one site on a chromosome to another. gy -j plural biologies 1 : a branch of science that deals with living organisms and vital processes 2 a : the plant and animal life of a region or environment b It helps to protect the slender slimy inner portions as well as provides the shell with color. The radiation is emitted by radioactive material within the object or tissue. It extends from the larynx to the bronchus. noun. Biodiversity: A term of measurement, that gauges the diversity of organisms in a habitat or ecosystem. Triangulation: The method used by animals to find out the distance between themselves and their prey using two or more fixed points. This is a list of all biology terms we have at this moment. Endothermy: The ability of an organism to maintain its body temperature, by generating heat metabolically. Denitrification: Reduction of nitrate or nitrite into simpler nitrogenous compounds like molecular nitrogen or nitrogen oxides. / ( bald) /. These include phaeophyta: brown algae, spirogyra, and red algae. Parasexual Cycle: A nuclear cycle wherein genes of haploid nuclei recombine without meiosis. Antisense RNA: One of the strands of a double-stranded molecule, which does not directly encode the product, but is complementary to it, thus, inhibiting its activity. Death Rate: The average number of newborns or young ones dying within a specified period of time. Active Site: The location on the surface of the enzyme where the substrate binds. However, this process does not result in the formation of oxygen. Trophic Level: Describes the residence of nutrients in various organisms along a food chain ranging from the primary nutrient assimilating autotrophs to carnivorous animals. Kleptoparasitism: A parasitic characteristic of opportunistically stealing food and/or nests from other organisms. Estivation: Similar to hibernation, it is a period of inactivity that the animal goes into, during a dry hot season. Growth Rate Constant: Slope of log10 of the number of cells per unit volume plotted against time. 1 subscriber in the biologyideas community. Keratin: A hard insoluble protein substance found in hair, nails of mammals, scales of reptiles and bird feathers. Centrifugal Tail Molt: The process of shedding and replacing of feathers of a birds tail, that starts with the replacement of the innermost pair of feathers first and then moves from the center outward. Infection Thread: The tube in root hair, through which rhizobia reach and infect roots. Biota: They constitute the living components (flora and fauna) of an ecosystem, biome, or habitat. These hyphae are capable of penetrating cortical cells. Rounded: Smallest size elliptical, spherical egg. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Elizabeth Martin and Robert Hine Next Edition: 7 ed. Microcosm: A community or any other unit that is representative of a larger community. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Biology Ideas is a Free Educational Website for Biology / Life Science Tutorials, Lecture Notes, Practice Mold: A group of saprobic or parasitic fungi causing a cottony growth on organic substances. Endothermic: The ability of an organism to constantly maintain its body temperature, usually keeping itself warm, irrespective of the external or surrounding conditions. WebBiology is the scientific study of life and of living organisms. Family: It is a term of classification of living things, in which this group falls below an order. Bacteriochlorophyll: A light absorbing pigment found in phototrophic bacteria, like green sulfur and purple sulfur bacteria. Nucleic Acid: A high molecular weight nucleotide polymer. Radula: A rough and raspy tongue normally seen in mollusks, used to grate food. WebOdyssey HIgH sCHOOL BIOLOgy VOCaBuLary These are the vocabulary words and definitions used throughout the Biology course. Hexose Monophosphate Pathway: A metabolic pathway involving the oxidative decarboxylation of glucose:6:phosphate. spore. Creche: Flock of birds, not necessarily belonging to the same species that flock together for protection. We are adding more terms! Biology is the branch of science concerned with the study of life: structure, growth, functioning, and evolution of living things. Aporepressor: A product of regulator genes, that combines with the corepressor to form the complete repressor. Carapace: A hard shell which shields the dorsal side of an animals body. Biology is the study of living things. Particle Density: Density of particles present in soil. Aseptic Technique: Procedures that are performed under strict sterile conditions. Temperate Virus: A virus that does not cause destruction and lysis of the cells of its host, but instead, its genome may replicate in sync with that of the host. Aerotolerant Anaerobes: Microbes that can survive in both, aerobic and anaerobic conditions, because they obtain their energy by fermentation. Wild Type: Strain of a microorganism that is isolated from nature. Biosynthesis: Production of cellular constituents from simpler compounds. Vegetative Cell: A growing or actively feeding form of a cell, as against a spore. Cryptic: These refer to the characteristics that help in concealing an animal. Caiman: A tropical American crocodilian amphibian, found in Central and South America. Autoimmunity: A condition where a specific humoral or cell mediated immune response is initiated against the constituents of the bodys own tissues. Alkaline Soil: Soil having pH greater than 7.3. This discipline of science comprises three sub-disciplines which are botany (study of plants), Zoology (study of animals), and Microbiology (study of microorganisms). WebBiology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes. Barophile: An organism that thrives in conditions of high hydrostatic pressure. Preen Gland: It refers to the gland found on the back, at the base of the tail in most birds. Base Composition: The proportion of total bases consisting of guanine plus cytosine or thymine plus adenine base pairs. Interstitial Skin: The skin found between the scales of a snake. Zooplankton: A collection of various species of plankton. Reverse Transcription: Process of copying information from RNA to DNA. Zooxanthellae: Unicellular, yellow-brown in color algae, which live in the gastrodermis of corals. Eyeshine: The phenomenon when light is shone into the eye of certain animals and birds, the pupil seems to glow. It is the cavity that contains stomach, intestines, etc. Apoenzyme: A protein part of an enzyme that is separable from the prosthetic group (the coenzyme). Filamentous: In the form of very long rods, mostly seen in bacteria. Hacking: Part of the wildlife conservation rehabilitation program, where the animals or birds released in the wild for the first time, are periodically provided with food until they become independent. It includes its structure, arrangement, functions, make up, etc. These fragments are then eliminated by phagocytosis. Read more on adaptations in desert animals. Organisms having identical copies of DNA structure, which is obtained by replication. Its also called murein. Antagonist: A drug that binds to a hormone, neurotransmitter, or another drug, thus, blocking the action of the other substance. Brood Parasitism: The method adopted by one organism to make another individual of the same or different species to raise its offspring. It is also used in genetic engineering. Hatchling: A young one that has just been hatched from an egg. Semi-Precocial: This term refers to hatchlings that are capable of leaving the nest but are dependent on their parents for their feed. Rare: A species of an organism found in very small numbers and hence, visible with a lot of effort only for a short duration. Consortium: Two or more members working together, where each organism benefits from the other, thus often performing functions that may not be possible to carry out individually. The definitive source of meaningful and informative explanations of biological concepts. It consists of non-sulfated linear polymer, which contains D-galactose and 3:6-anhydro-L-galactose alternately. The brood patch is used to incubate the eggs and keep the young warm. Anus: An opening at the lower end of the digestive tract through which all solid waste is eliminated from the body. All Rights Reserved. Leghemoglobin: Red colored pigments rich in iron, which are produced in root nodules during symbiotic association between rhizobia and leguminous plants. Taxonomic Classification: The hierarchical system used for grouping and naming species of living organisms. The list below contains the most popular biological concepts. Annotation: The process of determining the exact location of specific genes in a genome map. Bow Riding: It is an activity carried out by cetaceans (most commonly dolphins), in which they swim or drift along the crests of waves in the ocean. 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