257 windsor ave, haddonfield

Listed for $734,900 with 4 beds, 2 baths, 2,750 Sqft. 2 car garage LOCATION! ").concat(r);window.location.replace(n)}},a.showing={getStylesBasedOnStatus:function(e){var t=a.coStarBrand.is("citysnap"),r={mapMarkerFill:t? See More Listings. Minimal - Unlikely to flood in next 30 years, Minimal - Unlikely to be in a wildfire within 30 years, Major - Heat risk increasing in next 30 years, Moderate - Water stress expected to be 9% in 2050. 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The property's zip code is 08033 which is in Haddonfield, NJ *Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. define("controllers/Property/PropertySummary",["require","ControllerObjects","Application","Utilities"],function(e){return function(t){function n(e){var t,n;"acris.show"===e.type&&null!==(t=m)&&void 0!==t&&null!==(n=t.divAcris)&&void 0!==n&&n.length&&m.divAcris.removeClass("bs4--d-none"),c.call("bubble",e)}function r(){try{v.requireDom(),v.optional("listing"),v.optional("property"),v.optional("propertyAddress"),v.optional("building")}catch(e){throw e}b.done(function(){var e,t,n,r,i;f.template.get({$dom:v.$dom,data:{building:v.get("building"),entityItem:null!==(e=null!==(t=v.get("property"))&&void 0!==t?t:v.get("listing"))&&void 0!==e?e:v.get("propertyAddress"),pro:g&&(null===(n=g.currentDetails)||void 0===n?void 0:null===(r=n.products)||void 0===r?void 0:null===(i=r.pro)||void 0===i?void 0:i.availableForUse),noHideAdmin:!v.get("hideAdmin",!1),coStarBrand:y}})})}function i(e){m=e.$dom;var t=e.data||{},r=t.entityItem;t.noHideAdmin&&null!==r&&void 0!==r&&r.agentOnly&&((r.agentOnly.details.length||r.agentOnly.remarks)&&(p.add("agentOnly",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/ListingDetailsAgentOnly",namespace:s.get(),register:{bubble:n}}),!0),v.updateController("agentOnly",{$dom:m.divConfidentialInformation,data:{agentOnly:r.agentOnly}})),p.add("confidentialDocuments",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/Property/ConfidentialDocuments",namespace:s.get(),register:{bubble:n,showDocuments:function(){m.divConfidentialDocumentsContainer.removeClass("hidden")}}}),!0),v.updateController("confidentialDocuments",{$dom:m.divConfidentialDocuments,data:{listingID:r.listingID,listingAddress:r.address.fullStreetAddress}}));var i=!1;null!==r&&void 0!==r&&r.propertyID||(i=!0);var l=null===r||void 0===r?void 0:r.supportsPublicRecordDocuments,a="";if(r.propertyID){var u,c,g;a="".concat(null===(u=t.entityItem)||void 0===u?void 0:u.url,"/ad_").concat(null===(c=t.entityItem)||void 0===c?void 0:null===(g=c.building)||void 0===g?void 0:g.id)}else{var f;a="".concat(null===(f=t.building)||void 0===f?void 0:f.url,"/acris")}if(!i&&l){var y,b;v.updateController("acris",{$dom:m.divAcris,data:{paItem:r,propertyAddressId:i?null===(y=t.entityItem)||void 0===y?void 0:null===(b=y.building)||void 0===b?void 0:b.id:r.propertyAddressID,propertyId:i?null:r.propertyID,pro:t.pro}})}else m.divAcris.addClass("bs4--d-none");$.each(m.aSummaryPropertyLink,function(e,r){var i;o(r.attr("href"))&&r.removeAttr("rel");var d,u=!1;null!==(i=r[e])&&void 0!==i&&i.href&&(d=r[e].href.lastIndexOf("/"),u="/acris"==r[e].href.substr(d)),u&&!l&&$(r).parent().parent().addClass("bs4--d-none"),u&&l&&$(r).removeAttr("target"),$(r).on("click",function(e){if(o(e.currentTarget.href)&&u&&l){var r,i;return n({type:"url.unhandled",url:a,data:{type_:"HSRealPropertyAddressItem",propertyAddressID:null===(r=t.entityItem)||void 0===r?void 0:null===(i=r.building)||void 0===i?void 0:i.id,paItem:v.get("propertyAddressItem")}}),!1}return t.building&&o(e.currentTarget.href)?n({type:"url.unhandled",url:t.building.url,data:t.building}):window.open(e.currentTarget.href,"rel=nofollow"),!1})})}function o(e){return!! 257 Windsor Ave was built in 1928 and sits on a 0.16 acre lot. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility. )/g;return"string"==typeof e?e.match(t):null}},a.date={getDateInfo:function(e){if(e){var t,r=new Date(e),n={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric"},o={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric",hour:"numeric",minute:"numeric",second:"numeric"},i=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],s=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],c=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];return{raw:r.getTime(),date:r,month:r.getMonth()+1,day:r.getDate(),year:r.getFullYear(),monthDayYear:r.getMonth()+1+"/"+r.getDate()+"/"+r.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2),formattedDate:r.toLocaleString("en-us",n),formattedDateTime:r.toLocaleString("en-us",o),shortMonth:s[r.getMonth()],longMonth:c[r.getMonth()],formattedTime:r.toLocaleTimeString("en-us",{hour:"2-digit",minute:"2-digit"}),ago:a.date.getAgo(r),agoFriendly:a.date.getAgoFriendly(r),shortDay:i[r.getDay()],longDay:null===(t=a.date.getDayOfWeek(r.getDay()))||void 0===t?void 0:t.dayFull}}return null},getAgo:function(e){var t=Date.now();if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),n=Math.round(r/1e3),a=Math.round(n/60),o=Math.round(a/60),i=Math.round(o/24),s=Math.round(i/7),c=Math.round(i/30);return n<=0? The information provided by this website is for the personal, non-commercial use of consumers and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Learn more. This highly desirable estates section home is waiting for you to call it home! ").concat(r.substr(6,4)),s=a,c=a;return n.length>0&&(s="".concat(a," ext ").concat(n),c="".concat(a,",").concat(n)),{raw:e,digits:r,ext:n,withParentheses:a,withDashes:o,withDots:i,withExtension:s,withExtensionAsLink:c}},getPercentChange:function(e,t){if(e&&t){var r=(e-t)/t*100;return this.getPercent(r)}},firstLetterToUpper:function(e){if(e)return e.toLowerCase().charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.toLowerCase().slice(1)},findUrls:function(e){var t=/((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www\.|[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[+~%/.\w\-_]*)?\??(?:[-+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[.!/\\\w]*))? REDFIN IS COMMITTED TO AND ABIDES BY THE FAIR HOUSING ACT AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACT. Homesnap.templates["controllers/ActionBar.html"] = '{{#with data}}{{/with}}'; The score is calculated by factors like nearby restaurants and stores, This browser is no longer supported. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions. The possibilities are endless. Any dissemination of this information is in violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited. Haddonfield, NJ 08033 2 bed s, 1 bath, 980 sq ft Learn More. Employment protections include being fired, denied employment, or otherwise discriminated against by an employer. [a-zA-Z]{2,10}$" tabindex="0" />
{{/with}}'; Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. Don't neglect these 6 maintenance tasks - or else, Debunked! PostalCode 08033, See If You Qualify For Our Special Rewards Program. $98,719. 257 Windsor Ave has been listed on Redfin for 80 days since December 27, 2022. Nearby bus routes include 451, 455, and 457. Upstairs you will find 3 nice sized bedrooms and additional bath. )?/,""),roundedMinutes:Math.round(e/60)}}},getDayOfWeekArray:function(){return[{dayFull:"Sunday",dayAbbr:"Sun",dayLongAbbr:"Sun"},{dayFull:"Monday",dayAbbr:"M",dayLongAbbr:"Mon"},{dayFull:"Tuesday",dayAbbr:"T",dayLongAbbr:"Tues"},{dayFull:"Wednesday",dayAbbr:"W",dayLongAbbr:"Wed"},{dayFull:"Thursday",dayAbbr:"Th",dayLongAbbr:"Thurs"},{dayFull:"Friday",dayAbbr:"F",dayLongAbbr:"Fri"},{dayFull:"Saturday",dayAbbr:"S",dayLongAbbr:"Sat"}]},getDayOfWeek:function(e){return a.date.getDayOfWeekArray()[e]},getTimeOptions:function(){for(var e=[],t=function(e){return e.toString().padStart(2,"0")},r=0;r<2;r++)for(var n=r? 12 gallon tote dimensions, sorel out and about boots outfit, And sits on a 0.16 acre lot - or else, Debunked copyright! Waiting for you to call it home ABIDES BY the FAIR HOUSING ACT and EQUAL ACT. Be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions all... 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