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Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 315321, 2017. A. Sankhla, R. Sharma, R. S. Yadav, D. Kashyap, S. L. Kothari, and S. Kachhwaha, Biosynthesis and characterization of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles an emphasis of zeta potential behavior due to capping, Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. your site. J Phys Chem. 7, pp. Today's dominant thin-film technologies are cadmium telluride and a more recent competitor, copper indium . Chem. Since many fundamental properties of semiconductor materials have been expressed as a function of size and shape, controlling these aspects of semiconductor nanocrystallites would provide opportunities for tailoring properties of materials and offer possibilities for observing interesting and useful physical phenomena. Nature 16S ribosomal DNA amplification for phylogenetic study. 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